International Women's Day: Show Support & Take Action!
We are thrilled to share an action for all our members to participate in to honor the 2024 International Women's Day on March 8, 2024! As we come together to recognize our progress and the work that still lies ahead, your presence and support are invaluable.
We are asking all our members to wear purple on Friday, March 8 to show solidarity with women all over the world. We are also asking our union family to sign a petition to bring HJ RES 25 to the House Floor. HJ RES 25 is a bicameral joint resolution to affirm the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment and enshrine gender equality in the U.S. Constitution. To sign the petition, just click here.
Solidarity movements like wearing purple and signing a petition may seem like a small gesture, but they're a great way to stand together and show our support for all the women in our lives and in the world. Together we can inspire change, foster unity, and celebrate the strength and resilience of women everywhere!
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