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Unions Join Forces in Atlantic City to Fight with Municipal & County Workers!

While our comrades who are employed by the state of NJ are out of the woods for healthcare increases, our comrades in local and county government are still facing an uphill battle with anticipated cost increases. A trio of unions, CWA, Teamsters, and AFCSME, held a joint rally in Atlantic City today during lunch to stand together and demand fair and affordable access to healthcare. 

Leaders and members from the three unions stood side-by-side today to raise a ruckus and garner support in their fight. Union members were joined by Atlantic City Mayor Marty Small, Atlantic County Commissioner Ernest Coursey, and Atlantic City Councilman Kaleem Shabazz. Each of these elected officials spoke to members in attendance to describe what they are doing to help members. They also promised to do everything in their power to stand with employees in their fight to help us get what we deserve. 

While this is a great start, there is a lot of work still to be done. We need our members and others to call their state legislators and ask them to support legislation that will guarantee minimum increases for healthcare premiums. For a list of NJ legislators and their contact info, just click here. You can also call (833) 479-1993 and ask legislators to stand with municipal and county employees. For more info, see the attached PDF below on how you can help, and check out the website

Healthcare Actions & FAQs
PDF file with more information on how we can stand with municipal and county employees!
Healthcare Actions & FAQs
PDF with more information on how we can help municipal and county employees!
Atlantic County Commissioner Ernest Coursey
Atlantic County Commissioner Ernest Coursey addressing the crowd of union members.
AC Mayor Marty Small
Atlantic City Mayor Marty Small addressing the crowd of union members.