NJ AFL-CIO Labor Candidates School Announcement
For the past 27 years, the New Jersey State AFL-CIO has recruited, trained, mentored, and campaigned on behalf of rank-and-file union members running for political office. Having achieved 1,281 election victories to date – a 77% success rate – union members proudly serve New Jersey’s working families in the U.S. House of Representatives, the state Senate and Assembly and in our counties and municipalities all across our state
The cornerstone of our program is the Labor Candidates School. Through this school, union members gain the skills they need to succeed in the electoral arena. The school features instruction from seasoned election experts covering subjects such as fundraising, election law, campaign research and planning, message development, public speaking, media relations, voter contact, volunteer recruitment, targeting, digital strategies, current get-out-the-vote techniques and more. The School will take place August 10 & 11, 2024, at a location to be announced.
Pursuant to the New Jersey State AFL-CIO Labor Candidates Resolution, union members seeking election to public office must secure the support of their local union’s presiding officer, who shall then notify the Central Labor Council and the New Jersey State AFL-CIO in writing. All candidates must be reviewed by the local Central Labor Council and all first-time candidates are required to graduate from the Labor Candidates School.
Each union member seeking election to public office must complete the linked Labor Candidates Survey at www.njaflcio.org/become-a-labor-candidate. Please contact COPE Director John Shea III at [email protected] or (609) 989-8730 with any questions.
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