Nominate CWA-endorsed candidate Carey Brown for NJ PERS Board!
The NJ Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) is currently accepting nominations for a state worker representative to sit on the PERS Board of Trustees. Carey Brown, who has historically been endorsed by all NJ state worker unions, currently occupies the seat and has submitted his name as a candidate and the incumbent. He needs 500 signatures from PERS members who are active State Workers to get his name on the election ballot, should an election be necessary. It has gotten increasingly difficult to reach 500 since Covid 19, even though nominating someone takes all of 30 – 45 seconds on your smart phone or computer. We are asking all our state members currently working to take a moment right now to Carey Brown. It is important for us to have representatives in these positions that understand organized labor, have participate in organized labor, and will stand up and fight for organized labor. Please take a minute to nominate Carey by clicking the link here and filling out the form. Remember, this is our future and our money that we are fighting for! The nomination process will end at 4 pm on January 8, 2024.
Joe Beirne Foundation 2025-2025 Scholarship Opportunites
CWA Members and Retirees Affected by Wildfires Have Our Full Support
CWAers Build Solidarity at AFL-CIO’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Civil and Human Rights Conference