Wells Fargo Workers Begin First-Ever Contract Negotiations as Organizing Continues

Earlier this month, members of the Wells Fargo Workers United-CWA (WFWU-CWA) bargaining team kicked off first-ever contract negotiations with the mega-bank. The five-member bargaining committee was elected, along with alternates, to negotiate a national contract to cover all union-represented branches.
In a statement issued by the committee, members expressed their commitment to securing a fair contract, saying, “As the elected national bargaining committee for Wells Fargo Workers United-CWA, we are proud and excited to represent all of our coworkers at the bargaining table and to see this through until we reach a fair agreement that will make Wells Fargo a better place for us, our families, our communities, and our customers.
“We stand committed to making Wells Fargo better for all of us by demanding adequate staffing, fair compensation, affordable health insurance, retirement security, and more.”
Click here to read the full statement from WFWU-CWA.
Over the past week, workers at branches in Toms River, N.J., and Casper, Wyo., have joined WFWU-CWA, bringing the total number of union-represented branches to 23.
This post originally appeared on cwa-union.org.
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